Sure, we're probably a little crazy in the head, but we need physical help to make this race a success!
Volunteer with us!
It takes a village. In the middle of the forest. Somewhere in North Georgia.
Come volunteer and earn future race credits
Volunteering at this year's event will land you free entry for next year's race!
Running's not your thing, but supporting crazy events in the middle of the woods is? No worries! You can donate your free race entry to someone else!
Qualify for the race of your dreams
If you need volunteering hours for entry to another race, this will qualify! Just bring the form provided by the other Race Director, and we'll take it from there.
So what do we need to make the magic happen?
We don't need a ton of people, but the following race day roles are super helpful:
+Check-in folks
+Finish line folks
+Watermelon cutter upper
+Parking person
+Aid station folks
+Photographers at the top of Rabun/waterfalls
+A sweep or two
If you can help do trail maintenance a day or few before the race, let me know! Sometimes we need help, sometimes we don't, and it's great to know ahead of time for planning purposes!